UTC - significado y definición. Qué es UTC
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Qué (quién) es UTC - definición

Uniunea Tineretului Comunist; Uniunea Tineretului Muncitoresc; Union of Romanian Communist Student Associations; Romanian Communist Students; Șoimii Patriei
  • 8th Congress of the UTC, held in Bucharest in July 1965
  • 1972 postage stamp commemorating the UTC's 50th anniversary

  • Graph showing the difference [[DUT1]] between UT1 and UTC (in seconds). Vertical segments correspond to leap seconds.
Universal Time Coordinated; Universal Coordinated Time; UTC(Internet); UTC Internet; UTC (Internet); Zulu time; Universal Time Coordinate; Coordinated universal time; Co-ordinated Universal Time; Co-ordinated universal time; Universal co-ordinated time; Utc; U.T.C; U.T.C.; ITU-R TF.460-4; Zulu Time; UTC time; Universal Time Coordination; UTC; Temps Universel Coordonné; Universal Time, Coordinated; History of UTC; Time in Space; Universal time coordinated; Universal Time Co-ordinated; Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
Universal Time Coordinates [Additional explanations: +0000] (Reference: TZ, GMT)
  • Graph showing the difference [[DUT1]] between UT1 and UTC (in seconds). Vertical segments correspond to leap seconds.
Universal Time Coordinated; Universal Coordinated Time; UTC(Internet); UTC Internet; UTC (Internet); Zulu time; Universal Time Coordinate; Coordinated universal time; Co-ordinated Universal Time; Co-ordinated universal time; Universal co-ordinated time; Utc; U.T.C; U.T.C.; ITU-R TF.460-4; Zulu Time; UTC time; Universal Time Coordination; UTC; Temps Universel Coordonné; Universal Time, Coordinated; History of UTC; Time in Space; Universal time coordinated; Universal Time Co-ordinated; Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
  • Graph showing the difference [[DUT1]] between UT1 and UTC (in seconds). Vertical segments correspond to leap seconds.
Universal Time Coordinated; Universal Coordinated Time; UTC(Internet); UTC Internet; UTC (Internet); Zulu time; Universal Time Coordinate; Coordinated universal time; Co-ordinated Universal Time; Co-ordinated universal time; Universal co-ordinated time; Utc; U.T.C; U.T.C.; ITU-R TF.460-4; Zulu Time; UTC time; Universal Time Coordination; UTC; Temps Universel Coordonné; Universal Time, Coordinated; History of UTC; Time in Space; Universal time coordinated; Universal Time Co-ordinated; Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
Universal Time Coordinated (Reference: DCE)


Union of Communist Youth

The Union of Communist Youth (Romanian: Uniunea Tineretului Comunist; UTC) was the Romanian Communist Party's youth organisation. Like many Young Communist organisations, it was modelled after the Soviet Komsomol. It aimed to cultivate young cadres into the party, as well as to help create the "new man" envisioned by communist ideologues.

Ejemplos de pronunciación para UTC
1. or UTC.
Why Time Flies _ Alan Burdick _ Talks at Google
2. and I came to the Unicode UTC meeting
Yiying Lu _ Empowering Through Cross-Cultural Design & Innovation _ Talks at Google
3. So they came up with this other acronym, UTC, which
Why Time Flies _ Alan Burdick _ Talks at Google
4. Pillar three, we got the major hydrogen companies like UTC Hydrogenics.
The Empathic Civilization _ Jeremy Rifkin _ Talks at Google
5. so UTC is managed by the time division of the International
Why Time Flies _ Alan Burdick _ Talks at Google
Ejemplos de uso de UTC
1. The leap second will be added at 23:5':5' UTC on December 31, so atomic clocks will read 23:5':60 UTC before changing to all zeros.
2. They do not, however, correct for leap seconds and now lag 13 seconds behind UTC.
3. The last second of the year would normally be 23:5':5' UTC on December 31, and the first second of the New Year would be 00:00:00 UTC on January 1, 2006.
4. Robert Hobbs, Director of Operations at United Technologies Corporation‘s (UTC) Research Center.
5. This is called Co–ordinated Universal Time (UTC), and is the source of everyday, or civilian, timekeeping.